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What Clients Say...

"I have been fortunate enough to watch Ian work with his own horses, and then I have spent time with Ian teaching me some of the skills. Ian connects ​quickly with the horses, his passion is infectious and he has this amazing ability to share his knowledge in a manner that is easy and simple to relate to."

Mandy W.

“Ian is truly a gifted horseman. He’s an incredibly patient and effective trainer and teacher. He is very knowledgeable in numerous aspects of equine management and performance, and takes a serious interest in continuing to learn as much as he can to become even better at his craft. He takes his work very seriously and shows an honest commitment to improving every horse and rider with whom he comes into contact with.  Very respectful and generous with his time.”

Fiona B.

“I have always been impressed with the temperament of Ian's horses and, as a Vet, find them a delight to work with.  It is amazing to see how quickly Ian can transition 'problem horses' into those that are trustworthy and well-mannered.  Ian shows great patience and calmness when building a relationship with a horse and I believe it is these attributes which makes him a successful horseman."


Brittany A.

"Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria (PHHWV) is privileged to have Ian Shaw work with our horses.  Ian has offered pro bono training for some of our more challenging rescue horses, and has shown a genuine level of compassion and understanding of their past abuse and mistrust of humans.  Ian works to build trust before moving to the next steps of training. Great level of patience is required and we commend Ian for this amazing skill.

Thank you Ian for assisting PHHWV to train our horses in need."

Minda Blake

President , Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria

"I am a chaplain at two Victorian schools and  have been privileged to help in a program called 'Safe Horse Handling' at Edenhope College.  Ian would say to student "if you want to ride something that is predictable, get a bike."

He understands the principle that you "don't know what you don't know". He communicates the need to be self-aware as only when you develop that skill, can you develop self-control.  He has taught me how to be aware of my breathing and my emotions when approaching horses, as they need to feel safe around you. He has also taught me how the horse reads and reacts to my body languages. Ian has enriched my life and helped me grow into the person I am today. If you would like to speak to me personally, please contact Ian and he will put you in touch."

Brian O'Leary

"Ian gently and calmly explains and demonstrates the knowledge and skills to guide you towards the horse person you aim to be. In the process he reveals the intrinsic nature and trainability of the horse. It was a joy to work with Ian in my lifelong journey of horsemanship."

Jo W.

"As an observer and participant at Ian's 'Safe Horse Handling' sessions for beginners and advanced students, I can confidently state that Ian has outstanding communication and demonstration skills in the teaching of natural horsemanship."

Sue C.

"We had Ian work with a nervous mother, a 14 year old girl, and a typical mare who liked to test and play extremely hard to get.  I highly recommend Ian - boosted confidence, both ours and horse's.

Many years of safe and enjoyable riding followed. Thanks Ian."

Jenny C.

"Ian has been a great resource for myself and my daughter in our personal horsemanship development. He is competent and confident with both his human and equine students, providing a most enjoyable and educational experience for all."

Katrina S.


If you wish to hear for yourself and talk to a referee direct, please contact us.

"Ian was a great help when I was getting back into riding after many years away from horses. He helped me with general handling, lunging and float loading. He is a very experienced and kind horseman."

Anita H.

"I call Ian Shaw a horse whisperer. He worked volunarily with my horse which was terrified of being floated and now he walks on by himself. I also watched him work with a class of school students doing their 'Safe Handling of Horses' course. He is thorough, kind, patient and so knowledgeable that I would highly recommend that you take any course that is being offered by him. 

You will not regret it."

Nan H.

"Mr Ian Shaw is a patient, understanding gentleman who explains things clearly with both horse and human. Thank you for the knowledge."

Di T.

“I was privileged to watch Ian teach horse handling to a group of Year 9 students over the course of six months.  Ian has a natural ability to connect with horses and people.  He instinctively understands horses and has the upmost respect for the animal.”  

“I watched on in awe, as in only a short period of time, he was able to enable his students, many who had never been near a horse before, to be confident and capable horse handlers.  Their ability to connect with their horse and their ability to demonstrate their understanding of how to safely work with horses and ride with confidence, is a testament to Ian’s high quality teaching in this area.”

“Ian innately understands that the relationship between a horse and rider is a special connection that benefits both participants.  His ability to scaffold learning so that it is the right pace for the horse and the rider is exceptional.  Ian’s absolute love of horses and their amazing ability to help students develop life skills through working with them, shines through every time he teaches.”  

“My own daughter was part of Ian’s class and has a trauma background and many mental health issues.  Ian was able to connect with her and help her develop a relationship with her horse so that in times when she felt that no-one else cared, she knew that she had a horse who trusted her completely and loved her unconditionally.  For her the ability to feel in control of something, when at times the rest of her world felt out of control, was at times a lifesaver for her - literally.  Ian’s high skill level in both building relationships with children and horses is a testament to her success and I will be forever grateful for Ian’s input.”

Natalie A.

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