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Courses, Clinics and Connecting

Thought-Based Approach

What is your horse thinking? Understanding this and how to identify the cues from your horse's body language is an important part of relationship-building with your horse.  Ian uses a thought-based approach to help you connect with your horse through courses, clinics and individual consultations.


First Contact

Where to start with an unhandled or minimally handled horse? Understand the step-by-step process that is required taking one from first touch through to the necessary groundwork to get to the point of the horse's first time under saddle.  



From the Ground Up

You think your horse is educated but you are having problems. Do you really know what education your horse has had? Has there been a gap in its training or was some of it rushed before it was truly understood? Does your horse really understand what is required or are your commands confusing?


It is important that you and your horse work in unison with a shared understanding (a connection).

Safety in the Saddle

Do you trust your horse?  Or do you worry about how your horse might respond?  Are you transferring your anxiety to your horse?


Understand the importance of training both yourself and your horse. Encourage your horse to find the answer while quietly waiting for it to explore options. Learn how to listen to your horse rather than making it do what you want.



Ian is a qualified and experienced educator and can provided support and learning opportunities through clinics and lessons. He was a pioneer of Safe Horse Handling being taught in the Victorian Education System.




Clinics are run with a small number of participants to allow one-on-one time with both horse and handler/rider.  Clinics can be tailored to suit participant requirements.

Connection Consulting

The quintessential part of working with horses is to have a good language and understanding between you and your horse. Ian can provide the support and knowledge to help you achieve a connection.

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